COMMERCE Teaching Staff
Sr.No | Name of the Teacher | Qualification | Faculty | Subject |
1 | Dr. Zulzule Gautam Sakharam | M.A.M.Phil.Ph.D | Com. | Economics |
2 | Gujar Kishor Shivaji | M.Com.M.Ed.SET | Com. | Commerce |
3 | Sutar Anil Uttam | M.A. SET. | Com. | Economics |
4 | Sankpal Raghunath Dhondiram | M.A. D.Ed. | Com. | Economics |
5 | Kshirsagar Rohan Sunil | M.A. | Com. | Geography |
6 | Mane Amol Gorakhnath | M.A. | Com. | Geography |
7 | Yadav Manohar Sampatrao | M.A. M.P.Ed. | Com. | Phy.Direct. |
8 | More Snehal Dinkar | M.Sc. Stat. | Com. | Stat. |
9 | Sutar Deepali Balasaheb | M.Com B.Ed. | Com. | Commerce |